The North Face rucksack blue and red

Backpack from the north face in blue and red
black socks with adidas sneakers

News Artworks – Tomás Saraceno, Cloud Cities

Tomas Saraceno cloud cities

This is a very interesting exhibition from Tomás Saraceno titled Cloud Cities. Be sure to check out the rest of the photos and the explanation of Cloud Cities here


New Artworks – Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin

If youre ever in Berlin dont forget to visit the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum of Modern Art. The venue was used to be an old train station and then it got restored to be a museum. They have some cool collections from Andy Warhol. Be sure to check other photos from the artworks in hamburger bahnhof here

Nixon time teller p in blue and javanese rings

Blue nixon time teller p and javanese rings

Nixon time teller p in blue

javanese jewellery

This Nixon time teller p watch was the reason why i like Nixon at the first place and started my obsession with simple and sleek watches. I myself wear the beautiful uniform wares 200 series but its safe to say that the Nixon time teller p showed me how beautiful simple watches can be.

Leather rucksack in cognac

leather rucksack in cognac

5 Questions for a Designer or a Brand Owner: About Arianne

Brand Logo About Arianne

When i was looking for another brand to interview, i realized that i havent done an interview with any spanish brand. But thanks to social media i soon found the right spanish brand. Migue a.k.a @xmiwex told me about this fabelhafte brand “About Arianne” over twitter (thank you) and im glad he did. Because there is something interesting about the feel of this brand. The second you look at their shoes you will be invited in their beautiful inner city fairy tale. I feel no distance between the brand and the audience. This is interesting for me and thats why im glad they did an interview with Curated Wares. Like most of the brands that i interviewed, “About Arianne” manufactures their products locally and pays a lot of attention to high craftsmanship. The shoes were made in a smal factory in Alicante. So here is the interview:

1. Describe your brand with three words:

Artisan, timeless and first quality

2. Tell us why your brand kicks ass:

About Arianne offers trendy shoes, where design, comfort and quality are equal elements.
The editions are limited, so anyone with an About Arianne product is “unique.”

3. Name one accessory you cant live without and why:

Recently the phone laptop, with a brand need constant communication.

4. Fill in the blanks: When i was a kid ….. and now ….:

When i was a kid I loved to wear fancy dress shoes, I remember a clown and others of Seville. Now I only wear About Arianne shoes.

5. What would be your last meal:

Dine with friends in the  Federal terrace in Barcelona.
Any type of vegetarian food and good wine.

Thank you Arianne for doing the interview and i wish About Arianne all the success for the future.

You can check out their latest video here and dont miss to see my favorite pieces. More pics

Vintage leather satchel for men

Vintage leather satchel men

Vintage leather satchel for men from the back

Close up vintage leather satchel for men

Kino in Nürnberg

This bag reminds me of that claim from PRPS Jeans “bruised but never broken”. I mean this bag looks very well worn and beaten up but thats why it looks so beautiful. I dont think i could ever get enough of looking at beautiful vintage leather bags.

White and grey business accessories

White ceramic watch

silver pendant accessory

MCM coin wallet and dark blue bowtie

MCM coin wallet cognac

Dark blue blowtie

Bowtie dark blue and skull ring

Dont get bored yet because of my back-to-back MCM postings. I´ve just been seeing them alot. But then again i wont complain because i think they look fly. What do you think of the MCM comeback?

Military rucksack

Military Rucksack New

hashtag party


tweets and tweets and tweets


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