Urbanears green headphones

Green headphones from Urban Ears

A very good example how gadget can be a very cool accessory. So choose your headphones wisely

Home accessories: Staple bearbrick

Staple Bearbrick 400%

Staple Bearbrick close up look no 1

For me accessories are not always about what you wear but also things for your home. Now im not an interior design specialist so im not going to talk about furniture designs and all that. But i have to say when i saw this staple bearbrick i had to take a picture because it looked so cool standing there in the middle of the living room.

More pics of the staple bearbrick here

Shoelaces done differently

Leather Shoes and Shoelaces

Shoelaces Stripes

Shoelaces Blue

Ok so putting new shoelaces on your old shoes is not something special. But try cutting different types of materials and use them as your shoelaces. This will give any shoes, old and new, a very unique look. The possibility of materials that you can use is endless.

Levis key pouch

Levis Key Pouch

This is a nice and simple key pouch from levis that looks better with age

Tuck that in your socks

Socks with Pants

Socks are still often overlooked but they can really twist up your look, as long as you are not overdoing it. I mean, this guy is just wearing chino pants. Sure the boots are beautiful, but in this photo the socks create a whole new look. What do you think?

Accessories on wheels: all white holland bicycle

All White Holland Bicycle

I already mentioned how a beautiful bike could be a very important piece of your look. Well this shot is a good example for it. That white bike is literally stealing all the attention in this photo. And that white basket? cherry on top.

Suspenders hang loose

Suspenders for Men

Leggings with ikat pattern as accessories

Leggings with Ikat Pattern

I know leggings are not necessarily a piece of accessory. But when i saw this beautiful “neckbreaking” (yeah, i almost broke my neck because i had to turn my head so fast) leggings with ikat pattern. I somehow just perceived the leggings as a piece of accessory that she was wearing. Thats why i just had to take a picture of it.

Orange stocking

Orange Stocking Accessory

Gold buttons on old coats

Gold Button Red Coat

Gold Button Grey Coat

If you have any old coats that you dont want to throw away just yet but you are bored of wearing them. Go buy some gold buttons and replace the old ones. Simple and quick but it actually gives the coat a whole new look. For some of you who have already tried this….Gold button works wonder right?

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