Vintage travel bag in red

red vintage travel bag

Song of the day: Imagine Dragons – Its time

album cover imagine dragons
It’s Time by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark

If the player doesnt load/work you can watch their video here

Accessories on Wheels: Red holland bicycle

red holland bike

the streets of Copenhagen

Song of the day: Estelle ft. Chris Brown and Trey Songz – International

album cover estelle all of me
International (Serious) by Estelle Ft Trey Songz & Chris Brown on Grooveshark

If the player doesnt load/work you can listen to this song here

Black bowtie and yellow leather belt

black bowtie and yellow leather belt

A leather backpack and briefcase in one

Leather backpack and briefcase in one

Song of the day: Chiddy Bang – Handclaps & Guitars

album cover chiddy bang breakfast
Handclaps & Guitars by Chiddy Bang on Grooveshark

If the player doesnt load/work you can listen to this song here

Various two finger rings

two finger rings in gold

Nyhaven Copenhagen

Song of the day: Childish Gambino – Heartbeat

album cover childish gambino camp
Heartbeat by Childish Gambino on Grooveshark

If the player doesnt load/work you can listen to this song here

Unique antique bicycle

antique bicycle

Streets of Copenhagen near Opera

hashtag party


tweets and tweets and tweets


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