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I found out about Jeckybeng when Moritz, the founder of this brand, wrote me a short email telling me about his passion. So what is Jeckybeng actually? Well Jeckybeng is a “way of life” brand. Now i carefully chose those words “way of life” over “lifestyle brand” because lifestyle is often associated with those overpriced brands who sells things according to trends. But this brand is nothing like that. With Jeckybeng, Moritz is making products for his cool, free spirited and nature/outdoor focused way of life. So this is not a gimmick. He is living that life. Jeckybeng, appropriately like their motto “Multidisciplinary Design Solution”, is making from tshirts up to surf wax and tools. Not to mention they are making it handmade, so this brand is legit. Thank you Moritz for doing the interview:

Dont forget to check their online shop here

1. Describe your brand with three words:


2. Tell us why your brand kicks ass:

We are JECKYBENG – a manufacturer from Bavaria who produces awesome, handmade stuff for life’s big playground
and this by doin’ less harm to nature.

3. Name one accessory you cant live without and why:

it’s a pity that it is my iphone. but it has four features in one that are essential for me:
-photo/video camera
-my inspirational notes

4.Fill in the blanks: When i was a kid…and now…

When i was a kid i loved to be ouside in the nature and now
nothing has changed. and that’s good because now my business is all about nature
and being outside.

5. What would be your last meal:

Here are our favorite pieces from Jeckybeng

anker t shirt jeckybeng

jeckybeng panikhook

surfcomb jeckybeng

jeckybeng surf wax candle