Sailor hat and scarf

sailor hat and scarf

Red handkerchief for men

red patterned handkerchief for men

Beanie and loop scarf in matching color

black beanie and black loop scarf

black beanie and black scarf

Purple scarf and red triangle pin

purple scarf and red pin for mens accessories

I love it when i see a small detail that change the whole look. It was actually the red triangle pin that caught my attention. I mean the scarf is also nice but the red triangle pin really killed it. I dont know maybe im just obsessed with the small details but i think you know what i mean.

Wide brim hat in beige

wide brim hat for women

Mens bowler hat and neck handkerchief

mens bowler hat and neck handkerchief

Marc Jacobs scarf for men

Marc Jacobs scarf for men

Ubahnhof weinmeisterstrasse berlin

Nino swaggin the marc j scarf in Berlin

Two colorway loop scarf for men

Loop Scarf Men Two Colors

Loop Scarf Men Close Up

I personally think that loop scarves look better on men. Dont get me wrong, they also look very good on women but loop scarves have more effect on men as on women since there arent too many kind of scarves for men out there. So im happy that the loop scarves came to add more variety in the mens accessories lineup. Oh and i love that small white pendant he is wearing.

Gold buttons on old coats

Gold Button Red Coat

Gold Button Grey Coat

If you have any old coats that you dont want to throw away just yet but you are bored of wearing them. Go buy some gold buttons and replace the old ones. Simple and quick but it actually gives the coat a whole new look. For some of you who have already tried this….Gold button works wonder right?

Loop scarves are staying for now

Loop Scarves Wool

Blue Loop Scarves

Loop Scarf Motive

Loop Scarf Close Up

They have been around for a while now but loop scarves are staying here for now. People are just loving them. Do you like loop scarves?

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